My son started to keep drinking Height Booster from May (Previous post > ) It's time to announce the result of the height challenge!

Let me have a brief of Height Booster
Made in Japan all-natural ingredients.
Suitable for children aged 7 or above.
It contains Fructose, Apple Pectin, Arginine (extracted from sucrose), citric acid, enzyme extract, Vitamin C, Vitamin D

The taste is slightly sweet. In this 2 months, my son drank every morning and evening. His ate more meat which may help getting taller.
In terms of study, he was more focus and quick in reading. He was more concentrated on completing his favorite math homework.
During the pandemic, my son cannot go to the stadium. We still had sports every day, such as stretching muscles, push-ups, high jump...

After 2 months passed, my son grew up by 4cm

I am very happy with this result. I will let him keep drinking Height Booster. Apart from height boosting, he also has significant improvement in learning. I sincerely recommend Height Booster to any children in need!
Where to buy
Height Drinking Website
O'Farm Shops
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